We interrupt you regular browsing to bring you this important message. It seems a colour-changing UFO is heading directly for your location. We encourage you not to panic… and, instead, play!
Yep, not all UFOs are bent on destroying the world, but that won’t stop this RED5 Remote Control Colour Changing Flying UFO from taking over the world with its infectious fun! Super-simple to fly, this UFO responds to an infrared remote control that you use to adjust the height of its hover… and that’s it!
Marvel in the magnificence of its colour-changing LEDs, creating unexplained phenomena in the darkness of your living room! This UFO gives you up to 6 minutes of extra-terrestrial flight time before needing a charge. But, don’t worry, the USB connection charges the battery in as little as 20 to 30 minutes. And, the 3 AAA batteries in the controller are sure to last as long as the conspiracy theories you’ll create with your new UFO!
You may have heard about UFO crashes, but they’re not exactly all over the evening news. That’s because UFOs are really easy to fly! If you want to find out for yourself, order your RED5 Colour Changing Flying UFO today!